
Gm "40 Anos Stockcar"

It was a pleasure to direct this project and tell the story of the 40 years of Gm and Stock Car. It was an amazing opportunity to experiment visually and technically.Thanks WMcCaNN for the opportunity and for the artistic freedom.

Client: GMAgency: WMcCaNNDA: Lucas Trevisani

Production Company: Techno Image
Produção Executiva: Rodnei Bassani

Director: Rafael Ghencev

Line Producer: Rodnei Bassani e Amanda Queiroz Telles

Diretor de Arte: Adriano Zagottis, Marcio Perrella e Rafael Ghencev

Coordenação de Pós-Produção: Rodnei Bassani e Amanda Queiroz Telles

Editing: Rafael Ghencev
Color Grade: Rafael Ghencev
Finalização: Equipe Techno Image

Lead 3D Artist:
Rafael Ghencev

3D artists:
Yan Blanco
Eris Soares
Edgard Antonio Caliman Oliveira
Daniel Dalcomuni

3D Animators:
Marcio Perrela
Gabriel Mello
Rafael Ghencev

2D animation: Marcio Perrela

2D artists: Jenny Defensor, Patrícia Sonoda, Marcio Perrela

Audio: Punch Criação: Mariano Alvarez e Jimmy Gressler Produtores: Mariano Alvarez e Cristiano PinheiroAtendimento: Lili D. AragoniDesenho de Som: Mateus PolatiLocutor: Jimmy GresslerCoordenação: Cristiane Oliveira e Karina Coviello